on 21/10/02 09:57, Nora Römer ( wrote:

Dear Action Against poisoning,

I am so sorry that I waited so long to send you this story about the poisoning of my dog. It seems to me, that there must have been enough time in between, because otherwise it could hurt again so much while remembering.

It happened in one month of holidays with my husband, my 15 year old daughter and one of her friends in Portugal. We rented a nice house in the area of Eiras Altas near Sta. Catarina in the department of Tavira. Some friend of ours are living in the neighborhood, since about twenty years they are residents in Portugal. We had a wonderful time.

One morning I got up early and went on a walk with my dog. She was an Australian Shepherd, one year old and she was very close to me. I trained her as an attendant dog, twice a week I went to a Dog-School for training. Especially in that time in Portugal I was very proud to see that she learned a lot. When we went out that morning she went all the time "by foot" and we both were very lucky.

On the way back she had the habit to run some meters in front. This is normal for such shepherd-dogs, because they want to reach the other part of the flock (that means she wanted to turn back to my daughter and my husband who were sleeping in our holiday-house). I remember that I saw how she was very interested in something which was laying on the street. As I reached her I saw that it was some peace of meat and without expecting anything bad I had not forbid her to take it.

Some minutes later I watched that she was walking in an abnormal way, she got very nervous and got in a hurry to reach the house (from the point she ate the meet that was lying on the street to the holiday-house there was a distance of maybe 200m). I had to hurry to follow her. Then she reached the house, made an enormous scream, got a horrible convulsion and fell on the floor. After ten minutes of convulsion, dark tongue and death-struggle she died.

She was such a wonderful dog, very intelligent, careful to children, with such a big fondness for life, there was nobody she treated badly — why did she have to die in such a brutal way? Since now (it happened three month ago) I miss her in my daily live. It takes time to overcome the shock.

Dear José, I don't know, if this is enough information for you or enough for publication. I am glad if you like to answer me and if this story will help to stop the poisoning of animals. I agree if you want to publish this story and my name and E-Mail address.

I hope you are fine and that it is not too much that I send you this bad story.

Blessings to you,

Nora Römer

Em 21/10/02 09:57, Nora Römer ( escreveu:

Cara Action Against Poisoning,

Lamento só agora vir-lhe relatar o envenenamento do meu cão. Se não tivesse passado tanto tempo, ainda me faria demasiado mal recordá-lo. Aconteceu durante um mês de férias com o meu marido, a minha filha de quinze anos e um(a) amigo(a) dela em Portugal. Alugáramos uma bonita casa em Eiras Altas, perto de Santa Catarina, concelho de Tavira. Alguns nossos amigos vivem por lá, desde há uns vinte anos. Passámos umas fériasó ptimas.

Uma manhã levantei-me cedo e fui passear com a minha cadela, um pastor australiano de um ano, que me era muito afeiçoada. Eu treinara-a como assistente, duas vezes por semana ia a uma escola.

Especialmente daquela vez em Portugal tive muito gosto em verificar que ela tinha aprendido muito. Naquela manhã ela foi sempre "a pé" e sentíamo-nos ambas muito felizes.

No regresso ela ia alguns metros à minha frente. O que é normal para cães pastores, já que pretendem alcançar o outro lado do rebanho. Ou seja, ela queria voltar para a minha filha e o meu marido que estavam a dormir em casa. Recordo de a ver muito interessada em algo no chão. Mal lá cheguei, notei que era um pedaço de carne; sem nada suspeitar, não lhe impedi de o comer.

Alguns minutos mais tarde observei que ela não conseguia caminhar bem, que estava muito nervosa e que corria para casa, uns duzentos metros mais adiante. Tive que me apressar para segui-la. Mal lá chegou, deu um gemido tremendo, teve uma convulsão horrível e caiu no chão. Após se ter debatido por mais dez minutos em convulsões e com a língua negra, morreu.

Era um cão maravilhoso, muito inteligente, terno com as crianças, muito amigo da vida, nunca tratara mal ninguém... Porque é que ela havia de morrer assim?! Foi há três meses, sinto a falta dela todos os dias. Vai ser preciso muito tempo para eu me refazer do desgosto.

Cara José, não sei se isto lhe basta para publicação. Ficarei contente se me responder e se esta história contribuir para se acabar com o envenenamento de animais. Autorizo-a a publicá-la, como também o meu nome e o meu endereço email.

Espero que esteja bem e que aguente com esta história.


Nora Römer