What can You do as a Veterinarian?


Please support - within your field of expertise and interest - our preventive and curative objectives wherever you are working.

As far as the Algarve is concerned we are very lucky to get the support from veterinarians for our initiative, among other things by making a clear statement that poisoning is a vast problem and by making a record of the poisoning cases they receive. On our side we will make an inventory of the information we will receive from the veterinarians to chart the problem in the Algarve.

Our main (preventive) goal is to stop the poisoning. With problems on this scale we need the help of the authorities. We were surprised to hear that we were supposedly the first ones to report a poisoning incident at the Police in Faro. Whether this is true or not; if no reports are filed there is no official problem.

So we have to put this problem on the map by collecting information from the veterinarians and presenting the incidents to the authorities.We kindly require your assistance in:

* improving means and procedures for diagnosis and emergency treatment of poisoning

* making poisoning emergency kits and information available to animal owners

see: Emergency treatment of intoxication.

* encouraging the owners of poisoned pets and witnesses of poisoning to report these incidents to the Police or the GNR (you can use our fliers for your bulletin board)

* making an inventory of the poisoning cases that are treated in your clinic with the following data that are needed for research and presentation:

- date and time of the incident (e.g. 31-1-01 /14.00)

- precise location of the incident (e.g. Estoi, Alcaria Branca)

- animals involved (e.g. two female dogs)

- poisoning agent (e.g. 605 Forte)

- further useful information (e.g.Êsuspect poachers/hunters)

We would be very pleased to receive the inventory of Algarvian veterinarians for further processing.

Of course we will keep them informed on our findings.

If you have relevant suggestions or information on any of the subjects please contact us on info@aap.f2s.com


See under Stories:Ê Smith: Stray animals and crowded shelters

® Action Against Poisoning -- www.actionagainstpoisoning.com -- e-mail: info@actionagainstpoisoning.com

http://www.actionagainstpoisoning.com/uk/veterinarians.html -- Last updated on February 2, 2003