Letter by Canadian Voice for Animals Canada

August 4th, 2005

Dear Minister Martinus Van Schalkwyk - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism,

Dear Honourable Minister Martinus Van Schalkwyk:

When I heard about the horror that takes place everyday in your country with regard to the seal population, to say I was shocked and dismayed, would be an understatement.
For more than forty years, I have had an ongoing battle with the Canadian Government about the slaughter of innocent seals off the Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. Each year more than 300.000 innocents are brutally slaughtered because of the misconception that they are killing off the supply of Codfish, when in actual fact: Canadian scientists have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a seals diet of cod from birth to death Is less than 5%, and still the slaughter continues.
With the above paragraph in mind, Mr. Van Schalkwyk, I implore you and your members of cabinet, to take a second look at the antiquated laws on your books. In the name of decency, work closely with the Animal Foundations in your country, and find an equitable solution to the, what seems, endless slaughter of your incredible seal population.
My organization, The Canadian Voice For Animals, with branches around the world, will be more than happy to offer any assistance necessary to help you to become a nation that honours and protects Mother Nature's wildlife.
I look forward to a positive reply, and remain,

Yours very truly,

Earle Bingley
Canadian Voice For Animals

Blind Carbon copies to the following:

Public Protectors Office : Advocate Gary Pienaar
Minister of Safety and Security
MCM Legal Representative : Marius Diemont
Media : Mnet Carte Blanche
Editor of ETV NEWS
Reporter of the Weekend Argus
Cape Times
Mail & Guardian - Fiona Mc Cloud
50/50 wildlife program
Argus - John Yeld

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