Visit these web sites: LEISHMANIASIS
by D. Strauss-Ayali and G. Baneth Portuguese information on the treatment of Leishmaniasis Leishmania Donovani Infantum, an approach to the problem
by Prof. Univ. Dr. Doc. St. Dr. H. C. Alexandru Niculescu
WARNING: We are informed on a number of incidences of false test results.
Note AAP: We do not approve of killing dogs that can be cured.
Leishmaniasis is considered to be a contagious and dangerous disease which it is NOT. False test results have a serious repercussion on the lives of dogs. In many countries dogs with Leishmaniasis have to be killed. Consequently dogs with false positive test results have been killed too! Acting on false test results also leads to unnecessary burdensome and costly treatment or no treatment for dogs that need it. So it is very important to be sure before you act. The Witness test is a generally used test for detection of Leishmaniasis amongst other blood disorders. In case of a positive test result a second test to verify the primary outcome and to define the basis for treatment is needed. To eliminate false test results this should be done by a specified, good laboratory. For practical purposes I.F.I. (Indirect Immuno Fluorescence) is the best lab test, although more sophisticated ones are also available. For the Iberian peninsula the lab of Dr. Echevarne in Barcelona is named as the best for this second test. For the north of Europe: Med. Lab. Marienhof MG in Germany fax: 0049 2161 819475. In short, be very careful avoiding dramatic consequences of false test results and have second tests done by an excellent lab. Leishmaniasis is caused by a protozoal parasite. It is primarily found in (sub)tropical areas such as the Mediterranean basin and in the Middle East. Leishmaniasis is not, as people believe, transmitted by the mosquito but by the bite of the very small female sandfly. A characteristic feature of the sandfly is that they move in groups as erratically jumping small clouds in the air. This sandfly is active from before sunset and during the night. Keep your pets inside especially at night. People can not get Leishmaniasis from their pets but they can be bitten by the sandfly as well. Symptoms of Leishmaniasis in dogs include weight loss, swelling of the joints, lameness, bleeding, and swelling of lymph nodes. Skin lesions and kidney failure frequently develop in afflicted dogs. The disease can be fatal in dogs as the organs gradually get severely damaged. Treatment with Glucantime injections results in remission of the disease though not a totally "clean" recovery. Life-long follow up treatment with Alopurinol will prevent multiplication of the surviving parasites. In other words, the parasite is very difficult to eradicate from an infected dog but - if detected in an early stadium before vital organs are damaged - the dog can lead a normal life. If any of you have had personal experience with canine Leishmaniasis, we would like to hear from you. As progress is made in the treatment of Leishmaniasis we should be less inclined to kill lovely animals that can lead a normal life with the right treatment. Information on the new treatment: Oleyl-PC newly developed by Prof. Dr H. Eibel, fax 0049- 5512011753; tel secr (8.00-12.00) 0049 5512011315 Visit Canine visceral Leishmaniasis Our personal experience: Our lovely dog was feeling unwell and depressed. After a blood test by our veterinarian we heard that she has Leishmaniasis. After determining that kidney and liver functions were OK she received the initial cure with 21 Glucantime (antimoniato de N- metilglucamina) subcutaneous injections every other day to bring down the number of parasites. As follow up she gets 300 mg Uriprim (alopurinol) pills twice a day to prevent eventual remaining parasites to multiply. She is happy and playing and running with our other dogs like before. We wanted to keep her alive and we are very happy we did so. We are very grateful to our veterinarian for is excellent guidance in this matter. Portuguese information on the treatment of Leishmaniasis

-Aggressive treatment can dramatically increase survival of patients with canine parvovirus enteritis.
-In-house ELISAs allow for rapid diagnosis, but false-positives can result when dogs have been recently vaccinated with attenuated virus vaccins, and false-negatives can result when antibodies from blood in the feces bind to antigen.
-If serum albumin drops below 1.5 g/dl or total protein decreases below 3.5 g/dl, an untravenous colloid should be given.
-Intravenous bactericidal antibiotics are indicated for puppies with neutropenia and hemorrhagic diarrhea.
-Antiendoroxin should be given before antibiotics because endotoxins are released as bacteria are killed. More information later on.

Barbaric Pic

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 09:27:52 +0100

Subject: Ban the export of greyhounds to Asia Alert 2003/please circulate widely

Greyhound Action International Alert: Ban the export of greyhounds to Asia Campaign 2003

Due to the increase in the export of greyhounds to Asia, we are launching campaigns against any individuals, companies, breeders that are partaking in the export of greyhounds to Asia.


1. Below is a list of the main exporters of greyhounds to Asia. Please consistently write, fax and email.

2.Telephone them with your protest.

3. If you are based in Australia please contact Claudette Vaughan claudelou@hotmail.com for leaflets and organise demonstrations outside the companies & breeders. Let them know that they are partaking in animal abuse by exporting these dogs to a painful death in Asia.

4. Contact the media, let them know what these companies ar e up to. If they need further information direct them to us at greyhoundactioninternational@hotmail.com, fax: 0870 138 39935. Please visit our website www.greyhoundaction.co.uk <http://www.greyhoundaction.co.uk> click on international and visit each individual country and send the sample letters provided to help stop greyhound racing in Asia.

6. Contact the following Australian racing authorities and insist that they ban the export of greyhounds to Asia:


7. Contact the following Australian Ministers responsible for greyhound welfare, ask them to ban the export of greyhounds to Asia:

Warren Truss
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry(responsible for live export)
E-mail: w.truss.mp@aph.gov.au

The Hon Rob Hulls MP
Minister for Racing (Victoria)
E-mail: rob.hulls@parliament.vic.gov.au

Hon. Merri Rose
Minister for Tourism and Racing a-Ring Village
E-mail: Currumbin@parliament.qld.gov.au

Minister for Racing and Gaming
E-mail: nick-griffiths@dpc.wa.gov.au

Hon Syd Stirling
Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing
E-mail: minister.stirling@nt.gov.au

Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing
Hon. Michael Wright MP
E-mail: recsport@saugov.sa.gov.au

8. For further information on how you can help greyhounds worldwide visit www.greyhoundaction.co.uk <http://www.greyhoundaction.co.uk> E-mail:greyhoundactioninternational@hotmail.com
Contact the following breeder and exporter of greyhounds to Asia

Background: Rocky Ridge Farm (RRF) is owned and operated by Sam Cauchi and his family at Calga in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. They have been involved in greyhound racing in Australia for nearly 40 years as trainers, trial track operators, and breeders. They have sent vast numbers of greyhounds to their deaths by exporting them for breeding /racing to SE Asia in particularly Macau and Korea.


Dear Mr. Cauchi
I am writing to you regarding the export of greyhounds to Asia. I believe that you are directly responsible for sending vast numbers of greyhounds to Asia for racing and breeding.
As a breeder and trainer you must be aware of the high numbers of greyhounds that are disposed of by the racing industry in Australia when they become surplus to racing requirements. Only a very few dogs manage to find good homes. The majority of the greyhounds that are bred are unaccounted for.
You must also be aware that the conditions for greyhounds exported to Asia are by far worse then in Australia. There is no opportunity or hope of rehoming greyhounds in Asia. It has been reported by the media that many greyhounds in Asia in places such as Macau, Korea, Vietnam and China have either been discovered slaughtered in landfills or have ended their days in the barbaric dogmeat industry, suffering horrific cruelty along with other breeds of dogs, until they are finally butchered.
I urge you to reconsider your actions and stop exporting greyhounds to Asia. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Contact details

RMB 1200 Jones Road, Calga,
NSW 2250, Australia
HomeTel:(02) 43 75 1145
Fax:(02) 43 75 1129
Mobile:0418 42 8786
Mobile:0412 42 8787

The following companies are also responsible for exporting greyhounds to Asia. Please contact them and ask them to stop sending greyhounds to their deaths in Asia.

77 Todman Avenue
Kensington NSW 2033
TEL: (02) 9313 7834

406 Bringelly Road, Austral, NSW 2171
P.O. Box 21, Austral, NSW,2171, Australia
ABN 28 003 750 10
TEL: (02) 9606 6655
FAX: (02) 9606 6047
E-mail: info@transpet.com.au

Ph 03 9335 1333 +61 3 9335 1333
Fax: 03 9335 1922 +61 9335 1922 NSW
Ph: 02 9516 2766 +61 2 9516 2766
Fax: 02 9516 3720 +61 2 9516 3720

20 Garden Drive
Tullamarine, Victoria.
Tel : (613) 9330 1541
Fax: (613) 9335 1206
E-mail : info@jetpets.com.au
General Manager, Sandy Matheson sandy@jetpets.com.au
Custom Service, Manager Joanna Larkin joanna@jetpets.com.au
Veterinarian, John Russell-Cook john@jetpets.com.au
Export Enquiries, Jacqueline Shelly jacqueline@jetpets.com.au
General Enquiries info@jetpets.com.au

13/41-43 Green Street
Banksmeadow, NSW 2019
Tel : (612) 9693 5760
Fax : (613) 9335 1206
Manager: Scott Williams scott@jetpets.com.au
Export Enquiries: Angus Matheson angus@jetpets.com.au

® Action Against Poisoning -- www.actionagainstpoisoning.com -- e-mail: info@actionagainstpoisoning.com

http://www.actionagainstpoisoning.com/pages/uk/asia.html -- Last updated on March 15, 2003