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In Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar’s new film, Hable con Ella (Talk to Her), at least six bulls were tortured and killed for a bullfighting scene, making it a real-life snuff film. No hable con él! Escribamos a la Academia explicando lo que se esconde tras hable con ella

From: "GEVHA-Grupo Estudio Violencia hacia Humanos y Animales" <gevha@AnimalProtector.com>

Organization: GEVHA

Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 16:47:33 +0100

Subject: No hable con él! Escribamos a la Academia explicando lo que se esconde tras hable con ella

In July 2001, when a Madrid animal protection group, Animal Amnesty, learned of the torment that these animals endured for Almodovar’s movie, they launched a letter-writing campaign and filed a complaint with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that the gruesome scenes violated an article in Madrid’s Domestic Animal Protection Law, which states that "the filming for film or television of scenes that involve cruelty, mistreatment, or suffering requires previous authorization from the relevant authorities … and that any injuries to the animal must be simulated."

Almodovar’s production company claimed that it was simply filming a bullfighting training session. However, photos were taken of Almodovar directing the matador during the filming. The production company also dismissed the animal protection law as only applying to "pets."

According to the Associated Press, a study found that 20 percent of bulls are drugged before they step into the ring. Of 200 bulls, "1 in 5 had been given anti-inflammatory drugs, which mask injuries that could sap the animal’s strength." Former bullfighters have confessed that bulls are fed laxatives to debilitate them days before the fight, have the muscles cut in their necks to prevent them from lifting their heads up all the way, and usually have petroleum jelly smeared in their eyes to affect their vision.

There is no harm in discussing the violent bloody "sport" of bullfighting, just as there is no harm in talking about forest fires, but if you pay someone to make such things happen, as happened in the filming of the movie, that’s ethically indefensible. More than 40,000 bulls are barbarically slaughtered in rings in Spain each year. Now, the blood is on Almodovar’s hands for promoting bullfights.

Truly progressive directors in Hollywood, from Wolfgang Petersen to Robert Redford to Terry Zwigoff, now use blue screen, animatronics, robotics, natural footage, costumes—you name it. Almodovar’s lack of innovation makes him about as modern as the Roman Coliseum.

Click here <http://stream.realimpact.org/rihurl.ram?file=realimpact/peta/video_general/bullfighting.rm> to see for yourself just how cruel these events are. You will see undercover footage of bulls being barbarically slaughtered at a bullfighting school in Spain.

What you can do:

Sample letter:

Dear Sir/Madam,

In Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar’s new film, Hable con Ella (Talk to Her), at least six bulls were tortured and killed for a bullfighting scene, making it a real-life snuff film.

In July 2001, when a Madrid animal protection group, Animal Amnesty, learned of the torment that these animals endured for Almodovar’s movie, they launched a letter-writing campaign and filed a complaint with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that the gruesome scenes violated an article in Madrid’s Domestic Animal Protection Law, which states that "the filming for film or television of scenes that involve cruelty, mistreatment, or suffering requires previous authorization from the relevant authorities … and that any injuries to the animal must be simulated."

Almodovar’s production company claimed that it was simply filming a bullfighting training session. However, photos were taken of Almodovar directing the matador during the filming. The production company also dismissed the animal protection law as only applying to "pets."

According to the Associated Press, a study found that 20 percent of bulls are drugged before they step into the ring. Of 200 bulls, "1 in 5 had been given anti-inflammatory drugs, which mask injuries that could sap the animal’s strength." Former bullfighters have confessed that bulls are fed laxatives to debilitate them days before the fight, have the muscles cut in their necks to prevent them from lifting their heads up all the way, and usually have petroleum jelly smeared in their eyes to affect their vision.

There is no harm in discussing the violent bloody "sport" of bullfighting, just as there is no harm in talking about forest fires, but if you pay someone to make such things happen, as happened in the filming of the movie, that’s ethically indefensible. More than 40,000 bulls are barbarically slaughtered in rings in Spain each year. Now, the blood is on Almodovar’s hands for promoting bullfights.

Truly progressive directors in Hollywood, from Wolfgang Petersen to Robert Redford to Terry Zwigoff, now use blue screen, animatronics, robotics, natural footage, costumes—you name it. Almodovar’s lack of innovation makes him about as modern as the Roman Coliseum.

I kindly ask you to have all this cruelty involved in the making of this gory movie in consideration when debating who deserves an Oscar. Cruelty to animals shouldn't be considered art.

Yours sincerely,
(name and country)

En la nueva película de Pedro Almodóvar, Hable con Ella, por lo menos seis toros fueron torturados y matados para una escena de toreo. El dolor que se ve en la pantalla es real.

En julio de 2001, cuando Amnistía Animal, una organización española de protección animal, se enteró del tormento de estos animales en la película, lanzó una campaña de cartas y entabló una queja con el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes y la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España. En la queja, Amnistía Animal afirma que las espantosas escenas violan un artículo de la Ley de Protección de Animales Domésticos de Madrid, que especifica que “la filmación para cine o televisión de escenas que incluyen crueldad, maltrato o sufrimiento requieren la previa autorización de las autoridades relevantes… y que las lesiones al animal deben ser simuladas”.

La compañía de producción de Almodóvar afirmó que, simplemente, se trataba de la filmación de una sesión de entrenamiento de toreo. Sin embargo, existen fotos en las que se ve a Almodóvar dirigiendo al matador durante la filmación. La compañía de producción, además, rechazó la ley de protección animal por supuestamente aplicarse solamente a “mascotas”.

Según Associated Press, un estudio reveló que el 20 por ciento de los toros son drogados antes de que entran a la corrida. De 200 toros, “uno de cada cinco habían recibido drogas antiinflamatorias, las cuales esconden lesiones que podrían quitarle la energía al animal”. Ex toreros han confesado que a los toros se les administra laxantes días antes de la corrida para debilitarlos, se les corta los músculos del cuello para evitar que levanten la cabeza por completo y, con frecuencia, se les unta vaselina en los ojos para afectar su visión.

No hay daño alguno en discutir el violento “deporte” o “arte” del toreo, de la misma manera que no es dañino hablar sobre incendios forestales. Pero pagarle a alguien para que algo así ocurra, como sucedió en la filmación de esta película, es éticamente indefendible. Cada año, más de 40,000 toros son bárbaramente matados en los ruedos de España. Ahora, la sangre está en las manos de Almodóvar.

Directores de Hollywood verdaderamente progresistas, como Wolfgang Petersen, Robert Redford y Terry Zwigoff, ahora utilizan técnicas digitales, animación electrónica, robótica, y otras alternativas. La falta de innovación de Almodóvar lo convierte en algo tan moderno como el Coliseo Romano.

Haz clic aquí <http://stream.realimpact.org/rihurl.ram?file=realimpact/peta/video_general/bullfighting.rm> para ver con tus propios ojos la crueldad de estos eventos. Verás filmaciones con cámara oculta de toros matados barbáricamente en una escuela de toreo en España.

Lo que puedes hacer:

El Deseo
Francisco Navacerrada 24
28028 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: (011) 34-91-724-8199
Fax: (011) 34-91-724-1351
e-mail: eldeseo@eldeseo.es
Academy of Arts and Science Films of Spain
e-mail: acacine@render.es
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
e-mail: ampas@oscars.org

GEVHA- Grupo para el Estudio de la Violencia hacia Humanos y Animales. Educación Humanitaria.

Group for the Study of Violence towards Humans & Animals. Humane Education.


" La conmiseración con los animales está íntimamente ligada con la bondad de carácter, de tal suerte que se puede afirmar seguro que quien es cruel con los animales, no puede ser buena persona. Una compasión por todos los seres vivos es la prueba más firme y segura de la conducta moral"
Arthur Schopenhauer (filósofo alemán)

® Action Against Poisoning -- www.actionagainstpoisoning.com -- e-mail: info@actionagainstpoisoning.com

http://www.actionagainstpoisoning.com/uk/almodovar.html -- Last updated on March 9, 2003